
The local board shall, during the playing season, review reported cases of misconduct and/or unsportsmanlike conduct of managers, coaches, or league officials.  Such conduct shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. flagrant argument of judgment calls or the expressing of criticism about the umpiring;

  2. the use of obscene gestures or profane or unduly provocative language or action towards umpires, opponents or spectators;

  3. the ejection from a game;

  4. publicly embarrassing a player;

  5. acts of unsportsmanlike conduct not specifically prescribed;

  6. use of alcohol or being intoxicated during practices or games.

If found in violation, the manager, coach, or league official will:

  1. receive a reprimand for the first violation 

  2. be suspended for the next game for the second violation;

  3. be suspended for the remainder of the season for the third violation.

Exceptions are:

  1. the ejection from a game (#3) automatically requires suspension from the next game; 

  2. use of alcohol/intoxication (#6) is an automatic suspension for the remainder of the season

A written report must be submitted to the president within 24 hours after the end of the game. The president shall appoint 3 board members to investigate the conduct.  The president, when appointing the committee, shall make every effort to appoint non-conflicted board members.

The committee shall interview the manager, coach, or league official and all involved parties.  The president shall schedule a board meeting to meet within 72 hours of the game.  The committee shall report to the local board at the called meeting the results of the investigation and recommended consequences.  The local board shall then vote to accept or reject the recommended consequences.