General Information

A board member will be assigned to each age division for both baseball and softball that will follow the process from evaluations through draft.  This board member cannot be associated with that group through either being a parent of a player or a coach in that division.

Players in a division with only 1 team will not participate in evaluations and a draft will not be held. 

T-Ball will not have evaluations and players will be selected using the blind draft (hat pick) method.

Players are not allowed to register after the completion of the draft, except to fill a division with a single team (less than 10 players).

Player Evaluations

All players must attend player evaluations including associated players.

  1. Allow sufficient time for player evaluation for each division.

  2. One make-up session will be held for any players that cannot make the initial evaluation.

  3. The Head Coach will need to attend evaluations and evaluate all players that participate.

  4. Each player will participate in the 4 skill tests.

    • Field 3 pop-flys in the outfield.

    • Field and throw 3 balls to First Base from Shortstop position. After fielding, the player will catch at 1st Base for the player fielding.

    • Bat 3 balls from a pitching machine or a pitcher. On the last swing run to Second Base

    • Pitch 3 Balls from appropriate pitching distance (Only for kid pitch divisions)

  5. An evaluation form will be used to score Fielding (Outfield and Infield), Batting, Running, and Pitching

  6. At least 2 days shall be provided to provide an opportunity for players to participate in evaluations. Any player that does not participate in evaluations will be considered a hat pick in the Player Draft.


Head Coaches are assigned to a team.
* The coach’s child(ren) will be associated with the team.
* These associated player(s) will be placed in the top draft spot(s) for the appropriate age group or in the Major or Intermediate Division and above, the associated players will be placed in odd rounds.

Coaches will draw numbers to determine the draft order prior to the draft meeting.
* Or coaches will agree on draft order based on the skill level of associated players.
* The team with the agreed-upon lower skill set will draft first.

The draft order for any divisions with 3 or more teams, will follow a serpentine draft order (1-n, n-1).
* For only 2 teams in a division, the draft order will alternate between the 2 teams and flip at the next player age group.

Only players that attend the evaluations will be available for the draft.

All other players will go into a hat pick at the end of the draft based on player age.

Coach Pitch and Minors only: All players of the older age (i.e.10yr old in 9/10 division) will be drafted first.
* In the Major or Intermediate Division and above, player ages will not determine draft order.

Siblings shall remain together on teams.
* When a player with a sibling is picked, the sibling will go in the next round for their age group. Examples:
   * Two 10-yr old siblings - 1st sibling is picked in the 3rd round. 2nd sibling shall be assigned to the 4th round.
   * One 10-yr old sibling and one 9-yr old sibling - 1st sibling is picked in the 3rd round of 10-yr olds. The 2nd sibling shall be assigned to the 4th round of 9-yr olds.

If the number of eligible draft players is uneven, the last player in that age group will go into the hat as a hat pick.
* Note: For Majors or Intermediate Division and up, the last player will go to the team with the next pick

After all draft-eligible players have been drafted, the draft picks will be drawn from the hat pick players following the draft order.
* Coach Pitch and Minors Only:  The coach will be required to draw based on the age group needed on their draft list to even out the older kids on each team.

Draft results cannot be discussed beyond coaches, player agents, and the league board members until communicated by the league.
* At no time should the draft order be discussed with players or parents.
* Failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from coaching All-Stars for the Head Coach involved in the draft.