Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to play?

Little League calculates a league age that may be different than your player's current age (and different than other organizations). Check your Little League league age using the Little League Age Calculator. Players league age 5 to 16 are eligible to play.  All TBall players should use the baseball age calculator. Additionally, an 8th grader that is 15 is also eligible to play Juniors with a few restrictions (no pitching or all-stars).  

Also, the player must currently be enrolled in the New Home school or live within the district.  To establish residency requirements, review Little League's website.

What are the age divisions?

Age divisions are determined by league age (see above), not current age. New Home LL plays the following divisions:

  • TBall BB - 5-6 yr olds - Coed
  • Coach Pitch BB & SB - 7-8 yr olds
  • Minors BB & SB - 9-10 yr olds - Kid Pitch
  • Majors BB* & SB - 11-12 yr olds
  • 50/70 Intermediate BB* only - 11-13 yr olds
  • Juniors** BB & SB - 13-15 yr olds
  • Seniors BB & SB - 15-16 yr olds

* Click here to learn about the difference between Majors and Intermediate Baseball.
** 15 yr olds are allowed to play with Juniors if they are in the 8th grade. They are not allowed to pitch and are ineligible for junior all-stars.

My child played TBall in Lubbock. Will they play TBall again?

Most likely. TBall is for players aged 5 to 6.  Players that are 6 years old may only advance to coach pitch after 1 year in TBall.  Also, Little League TBall is played to teach baseball with hitting and fielding. Most rules are the same as older baseball but with a few modifications to support learning. Rules can be found on this website.

Can my player play above their league age division?

Parents may request a player to play up a division during registration.  All requests must be approved by the New Home Little League board. Our first priority is on player safety in evaluating requests. Softball league age is based on December 31 of the previous year. Thus, many softball players may be a league age different than their classmates at school.

Can my player play below their league age division?

League age is defined by Little League International. Baseball players with a summer birthday (before September 1) may be required to play in the next division sooner than others in their grade based on league age. Unfortunately, players can play up but not play down.

When does the season start?

The season is commonly the end of March through the first week of June.  An optional end-of-season tournament normally follows in early June and then all-stars.  Look for the Dates under the Season for specifics as they are known.

Who will we play?

New Home Little League is part of Texas District 38.  Other leagues in the district are (bold represents those commonly scheduled): Abernathy, Crosbyton, Floydada, Hale Center, IdalouKlondike, Lockney, Lorenzo, New Home, O'Donnell, Petersburg, Post, Ralls, Roosevelt, SeagravesSlaton, Spur, Tahoka.

When will we play?

Games can be scheduled for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  Only makeup games can be rescheduled for Sunday or Wednesday and this is only if other dates cannot be found.  Younger teams will normally play the early games based on field availability.  First games may start at 6 PM on weeknights with no game normally starting after 8 PM.

If I have players on 2 teams, will they typically play at the same location?

Unfortunately, that cannot be guaranteed. We try to keep families traveling together but scheduling with other leagues may not always allow it. With two fields, in New Home, siblings may play across from each other.

My child plays in another league in Lubbock. Can they still play?

Absolutely! New Home Little league scheduling considers other activities by players (UIL, Robotics, other sports) and we work around these schedules on behalf of the team and players.

What is "Pool Play"?

When a team does not have enough players (9) to play a game, players from other teams in that division can be called from the "pool" to assist that team. The coach informs the League Player Agent and they determine the next eligible player to be called from the pool.  The Player Agent is the ONLY person that can determine the player that is eligible to play with the team.

When will we practice?

Practices are scheduled by coaches.  These have been any day of the week, except Wednesday evening.

What does the league furnish for uniforms?

The league furnishes the jersey shirt and cap or visor.  Players are responsible for purchasing gray (updated for 2023) baseball pants or black softball pants, red belts, and red socks.

How many games do I have to play to qualify for All-Stars?

Players must play 8 games in their respective division to be eligible for all-stars. Senior division does not a games played eligibility requirement.

What if I have other questions?

Contact us at the information on the website.